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2012 - American Idols : Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts Visual Arts Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ

For American Idols, I placed a theater flat approximately 2 feet off the gallery wall, where several media elements were displayed. The viewer walked around the flat and was confronted with small video screens, speakers and shelves that held an answering machine and a coil of rope. The distance between the flat and the media created an awkward and claustrophobic space that the viewer had to navigate. The videos shown dealt with the five senses in relation to various destructive behaviors. The piece was ultimately in dialog with the actions of a friend of mine who committed suicide the summer before I started my graduate work.

When over the rainbow is too far . . .

The above audio track was played on a quiet loop throughout the duration of the installation. Speakers on the floor directed the audio inward to be concentrated in the space between the floating wall and the wall of the gallery.

American Idols, Installation Shot

American Idols, brief installation animation.  This shows all aspects of how each piece was installed.


2012 - Answering Machine // American Idols

This answering machine sat on shelf in the installation, where the viewer could play the messages, stop the messages and skip messages, both forward and back, at their discretion. Below is a 1 minute clip of the same piece.